This game is an educational dance game, which teaches children mathematics skills. It was written in Unity3D and C# as well as uses Kinect as a controller. The game was designed and created by me and my team, even though, it was based on client’s brief. The features of the game are:

The game uses simple equations as an educational tool, which help the player to move through the levels. Every correct answer moves the player forward and every wrong answer provides the required energy to move forward. It is quite simple game for people with learning difficulties. The game immerses the player into a whirlpool of dance and teaches him mathematics too.

As it was told earlier, the game teaches the player dance moves. Nevertheless, this is just a secondary objective of game. The primary one is to teach player mathematics in an easier way. By using equations as a learning tool for dances, we try to use the process of gamification for their skills improvement.

The feature of Kinect provides an active learning for the player and leaves the table one behind. By exploiting people weaknesses for dances, the game teaches them new dance moves as well as mathematics.

The game-play is pretty simple. The player has to strike a pose, which has a correct answer near it. If answer is correct, player unlocks part of the dance and moves to the next level. If answer is wrong, player gets interesting animation and is left in the same level until he/she finally answers the question. In order to finish the game, player has to unlock the full dance. Good luck!



