Baby Don’t Hearse Me (MJ13)

Baby Don’t Hearse Me is a game with simple game-flow and easy to grasp controls. It could be compared to Angry Birds, but instead of destroying something, you have to save it. The game has been made during MolyJam 2013. The game is written with MonoGame and can be easily ported to Android and iOS, […]

Tinker’s Torch

This game is created by me and a few artists during the Horror Game Jam for The Other. The brief of this project was to create a scary game with simple story and a short puzzle. The idea of this game is to move out off or through the labyrinth. The game consists of features […]

Hot and Cool MDs

The game created by me and my team fellows during the Game Jam 2013. There were only 48 hours to create the game, but we had to submit it after 44 hours. And this time included sleeping, tea brakes and everything else. It was exhausting, but rewarding. The game is made for PC/Xbox and features: […]